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Cyber War as Cultural War

The Cyber War we are seeing today is an extension of a deeper cultural war. The only difference is that it is being conducted with...

Arms Control Efforts 1920–2020

There was a large effort at arms control after the Great War (World War I). These efforts were driven by the universal revulsion at the...

Netherlands Cyber War Doctrine

LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY One peculiarity of Dutch cyber policy is that the Netherlands Armed Forces are not responsible for protection of...

Escalation Levels in Cyber War

CYBER READINESS LEVELS Cyber war may be thought of as a low-level type of conflict. In its initial stages, it does not have an offensive...

Russian Cyber War Doctrine

[Originally published on] What is the Cyber War Doctrine of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?...

Détente in Cyberspace

PROSPECTS FOR “CYBER DÉTENTE” In his analysis of why détente between the United States and the Soviet Union broke down in the period of...

Is the USA a Cyber Super Power?

Can we conclude that the United States of America is the world’s cyber superpower? History shows that the revolution in computing and...

The USA's Cyber Defense Triad

In the deterrence theory of nuclear war, the “triad” is an essential concept. It refers to three different delivery platforms for...

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